
KLEZMoRET is a group of musicians who share a passion for Jewish music.

In their musical travels they use not only Jewish but also Balkan and Slavic themes, adding elements of jazz and contemporary music to them – in a perfect balance and harmony.. Their music is full of expression, passion and emotion.

The love the musicians feel for various musical cultures resulted in the development of their own and unique style. The group was founded in Gdańsk in 2006 on the initiative of the accordionist Paweł A. Nowak, a lover of Jewish songs, Balkan rhythms and Slavic melody.

In 2008, the first KLEZMORET album was released, recorded in the Janusz Hajdun Studio in Radio Gdańsk. After an almost five-year break, the new line-up of the band returned to live show activity.

KLEZMORET is built by four musicians touring all over Europe, extremely active in many musical styles.

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